Why Do I Need To See An Obstetrician?

When you’re pregnant or intending to conceive, it is normal to need the best possible care for your blooming family. There are several options available but at that point, you have likely heard the word “obstetrician” which can be considered as the best option for having a healthy pregnancy.

Having an appointment with an obstetrician/gynecologist can be a little frightening but in reality, most patients find the experience enlightening, relaxing and peaceful. 

Here are some reasons for women’s that visiting an OB/GYN is especially mandatory:

  1. Prophylactic care:

OB/GYN not just treat the common gynecological issues and disorders yet in addition deal with our serious reproductive medical problems and counsel us that we can remain healthy overall as a woman.

She will probably ask you about your present wellbeing, your family ancestry, past ailments or surgeries, and chronic conditions to survey your wellbeing dangers along with that he/she will perform physical tests such as a pelvic exam, pap test, and breast exams.

  1. Preconception Discussions:

If you are in the childbearing years of your life or thinking to start a family, it is necessary to consult OB/GYN, he/she will counsel you and assist you to think ahead and create a healthy surrounding to conceive and also perform annual OB/GYN exam, all the necessary screenings to determine if there are any impediments to your pregnancy.

Last but not least if you’re facing some complications in conceiving or having some confusion, your doctor will be able to provide you with some solutions.

  1. Talking about your sex life:

Worries about intercourse for those young and old can be discussed freely with your OB/GYN in this appointment and can be beneficial for you, but HOW?. Well, it is to discuss concerns of conceivable sexually transmitted disease, birth control options, or pain during sex.

You should feel open while discussing these issues with them as it is their job to assist you with keeping a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Pregnancy-related visits:

As your pregnancy advances you will probably have month to monthly visits with your OB/GYN just to check how you’re doing and how the pregnancy is progressing. Don’t think that a yearly visit would be enough as pregnancy is a special, as well as delicate phase in women’s life, so continuous visits are necessary.

Your ob-gyn may propose month-to-month or even week after week visits to guarantee both you and your child are doing great after ensuring your overall health and pregnancy. 

  1. Unexpected symptoms:

If you’re facing something unusual during pregnancy then your OB/GYN will be the best source of exhortation. But if you’re suffering from major symptoms like heavy bleeding, cramping, or severe morning sickness you should immediately consult ER and for minor symptoms, an appointment of your OB/GYN would be affirmed. 

He/she will be trained to deal with any kind of complications or gynecological problems such as infertility issues, menopause, urine incontinence problems, changes in vaginal discharge, irregular menstruation, and endometriosis e.t.c. 

  1. Postpartum Care:

After the birth of a baby, it is still necessary to get a few appointments with your OB/GYN. In these appointments, he/she will make sure that you and your baby are doing well at home both mentally and physically.

They will answer your queries regarding breastfeeding, child care, or any other problems you have observed in your baby such as sleeping, development, and feeding. Apart from this if you are not prepared to conceive immediately, you can discuss birth control options too. 

OB/GYN is full of information, experience, and abilities to deal with your pregnancy complications efficiently. Try not to delay your appointments and visit them as soon as possible to keep your pregnancy developing smoothly and safely. And make sure to find a doctor you’re comfortable with so you can make regular visits and build a friendly relationship.

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Deals in all women health issues, pregnancy, pregnancy with complications, multiple pregnancy, menstrual problems, fibroid, endometriosis, Pcos, infertility issues, abortions, hormonal problems, weight gain.

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